
RQSPAL videos

Please note that the videos are available in French only.

Aiming to structure and enhance research capacity, achieve knowledge mobilization objectives, and promote open science, RQSPAL offers monthly scientific meetings in the form of conferences (only in French). This is an excellent way to improve your knowledge!

You can watch and learn about topics such as:

  • Dying at home: the preference of elderly people at the end of life
  • Conscientious objection and medical assistance in dying: the doctors’ perspective
  • Nursing interventions that mobilize hope in patients with advanced cancer
  • Relational work in end-of-life care in a geriatric context
  • End-of-life care for people with advanced Alzheimer’s in long-term care facilities
  • Pain management in end-of-life patients
  • And many more…

Explore our compilation of the most popular videos broadcasted on our channel during the 2021 to 2022 period.

  1. Introduction à la recherche qualitative
  2. Les soins palliatifs et de fin de vie 
  3. Vivre avec une maladie incurable 
  4. Quelle fin de vie pour les personnes atteintes d’Alzheimer avancé en CHSLD ? 
  5. Le deuil à l’ère de l’aide médicale à mourir : réflexions pour les soins palliatifs 

You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where you will find all the RQSPAL videos.

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Le RQSPAL est soutenu financièrement par le Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé.